domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Do you think "Inter-High" is a good idea?

Nowadays in United Kingdom exist a new way to do the class. It consist in do the class for internet with a webcam.
I think that this possibility has positive and negative consequences.
On the one hand, I think that it’s a good idea because this form for doing your classes is cheaper than the normal school. Today High-schools are very expensive and this it’s a solution for economic problems; with the webcam you can doing the class from your house and it’s more comfortable; an other advantage is that if you are tired you can do the siesta between classes and it’s good because you can work much better. Finally, if you go to a virtual school you needn’t books and notebooks, you only need a computer.
On the other hand, Inter-High have bad consequences too. To begin, if you doing your class for internet, you haven’t got personal contact with your teacher and your friends and it’s probably that you have never met new friends. Moreover if you have a problem with internet you can’t do class, for example if the power goes off you will not be able to turn on the computer. To finish the worst thing is that if you fall ill you can do class from your bed.
In conclusion, I think that Inter-High has got good and bad characteristics, but I prefer the traditional school.

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